T Zone SE combines the active ingredients Triclopyr, Sulfentrazone, 2, 4-D and Dicamba acid for a broadleaf herbicide to kill tough weeds. T-Zone SE provides an effective cool-weather formulation in a quick knock-down product. TZone SE kills wild violet, ground ivy, oxalis, clover, and the toughest broadleaf weeds in turf, and provides suppression of young and actively growing yellow nutsedge. TARGET PEST Weeds controlled (but not limited to) include: Bindweed, Black Medic, Chickweed ,Clover, Creeping, Beggarweed, Dandelion, Ground Ivy, Lespedeza, Oxalis, Plaintain Poison, Ivy Poison Oak, Speedwell, Spurge, Thistles, Wild Violet, Woodsorrel
- It guarantees excellent post-emergent control as well as cool-weather performance to ensure effective elimination of troublesome weeds
- It is labeled for use in bluegrass - Kentucky and annual, tall fescue, red and fine leaf, annual and perennial ryegrass, bahiagrass, bermudagrass, and zoysiagrass.
- Rainfast in as little as three hours after application