Imidacloprid 0.5G is a systemic insecticide that effectively targets and controls soil-inhabiting pests. Contains an active ingredient that is used to eliminate soil insects and termites. It kills larvae, nymphs, and adult pests on turfgrass, landscapes, parks, playgrounds, airports, trees, and golf courses. This powerful insecticide targets pests like Northern masked chafer, Japanese beetle, European chafer, and green June beetle. It has an excellent residual activity so it features low use rates and flexible application. May also be used to suppress cutworms and chinch bugs and broadcast application on ornamentals. For best results, apply before or during egg-laying activity of the target pest.
- Active Ingredient: lmidacloprid - 0.5 %
- Pet safe if used as directed on the label
- 80 lb per acre or 1.8 lb per 1000 sq ft