Essential Plus 1-0-1

  • Quart
  • $38.99
  • -+
  • Gallon
  • $113.49
  • -+
  • 2.5 Gallon
    2.5 Gallon
  • $152.99
  • -+
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In the fight to keep grasses green amid stress, it's easy to deprioritize soil health. It can seem too great a time and labor investment to revitalize poor root systems, dry soil and biologically scarce environments. As a result, the industry is demanding simple, easy to integrate solutions that penetrate deep into soil and encourage durability. Essential Plus is an all-in-one solution. A bio-stimulant, stress reducer and 100% natural soil amendment optimized for plant recovery and strength. This integrated solution contains humic acid to replenish soils that have been depleted of organic matter, helps alleviate soil compaction and provides a food source for beneficial soil microorganisms. Essential Plus delivers a unique nutritional blend that includes: A natural wetting agent, organic proteins, fish protein hydrolysate, and a high percentage of humic acid. DO NOT USE ON FOOD CROPS
  • Increase root division and mass
  • Improve water management
  • Enhance cation exchange
  • Allow water and fertilizer to penetrate soils deeper
  • Improve nutrient uptake

Features & Specs

UPC: 12846301203

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1 review
Application Nightmare
Jul 2, 2023
I suppose this product is similar to others except this was liquid and see some are granular. Tried applying using a deep root water spike with bottle attachment. I shook it up according to directions, before pouring in bottle and attaching to waterer. Sometimes the solution got weaker in bottle but other times not, so assume product was not getting into the ground. It was messy until I got the kinks worked out after I got sprayed as solution backed out of unit when lifted up to try and push down farther into ground.. Not sure will use again this way. May try in a sprayer bottle attached to hose instead and then use plain water to work it down to soil level. Took a while to get out of pants and shirt, but all in the learning curve. I selected this product because the company I had do the deep root stimulation used it and the crab apple tree"s leaves are a lot larger and greener. Their rate went up 70% from the last time so decided to try it myself. Going to wait till fall to try the other method as not sure how much actually got in the ground and don't want to kill the tree.
Sandy Schick
