Musketeer is the efficient, economical solution to Poa annua conversion and suppression in both perennial cool-season turf stand and overseeded bermudagrass fairways. Uses a Triple PGR technology that encapsulates the benefits of flurprimidol, paclobutrazol, and trinexapac-ethyl alone, yet is gentle to both your budget and your turf. Provides maximum Poa annua suppression while adequately regulating desirable turf species using the ideal ratio of active ingredients. Creates dense turf stands, improved playability, and minimal impact to lateral growth and recovery of desirable turf. Enhances the benefits of each standalone chemistry while minimizing potential negative effects
- Dual sites of uptake and action
- Maximizes growth regulation
- Effective suppression of multiple Poa biotypes
- Reduces overspray damage, specifically to Kentucky bluegrass