Wisdom TC Flowable is tried and tested solution for over 75 different insects including termites, mosquitos, bed bugs, fleas, and ticks. This broad spectrum insecticide has the active ingredient bifenthrin that works by interfering with an insects central nervous system when they come in contact with it. This broad spectrum insecticide can cover up to an enormous 64,000 sq. ft. indoors and outdoors. Residential, institutional, public, commercial, industrial buildings, lawns and athletic fields can be treated with Wisdom TC. Please refer to the product label for mixing ratios and instructions that fit your specific situation.
- Active ingredient: bifenthrin 7.9%
- To Control Pest indoors and outdoors
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Review for Wisdom TC Flowable Insecticide /Termiticide. (Same as Bifen 7.9 / Talstar)
Jul 17, 2024
Cheong, Jack