Foltec SG is an innovative foliar nutrient technology from The Andersons. Designed to be different, Foltec SG is changing the way superintendents and turf managers think about complex foliar nutrition programs. Unlike industry standard liquid fertilizers consisting of numerous formulations and packaged in cumbersome plastic jugs, Foltec SG is a proprietary combination of dry soluble granules (SG) that quickly solubilize in the spray tank. This combination of soluble granules creates a complete nutrition product that reduces the need for a complex tank mix using a wide variety of products. Each Foltec SG product contains a specific N-P-K ratio along with essential micronutrients, UltraMate SG and sea plant extract.
- Foltec SG is formulated in four of the most widely used agronomic N-P-K ratios: High N (24-0-8), High P (8-24-8), High K (8-0-24), and High N and K (16-0-16).
- Foltec SG utilizes chelated micronutrients in a proven ratio that maximizes availability, efficacy and performance.
- UltraMate SG is a formulation of soluble sulfonated potassium humate, exclusive to The Andersons, which provides an oxidized source of carbon.
- Foltec SG contains sea plant extracts derived from the most biologically active sea plant species in the world.